Friday, December 04, 2009

Okay. Enough of that.

I've let this blog be lately, mainly because, frankly, my outrage wasn't broken. It became overwhelmed.

I haven't been immersed in the reading and current events of late, mainly because I can't really stomach it. As always has been the case here, the media is my main source of disgust, but equally maddening is that fact that the great 'Change' hasn't amounted to much, and all that cynicism I put aside to let the man do his thing has been met with more military-industrial-complex status quo that I can frankly believe.

So. I've stayed away from it - I have a life and a family, and really soaking in the bullshit of 2009 was making have that moment that Lewis Black has 3 or 4 times per show where he nearly vibrates into pieces in rage, except all the time.

So. Yeah. Fuck that. I'm gonna make this space a little more versatile. I haven't gotten into the Twitter nonsense quite yet (I'm always one platform behind, it seems), so I think everything that would resemble an insane thought or status thingie will go here for a while. We'll see what happens.

I types 'inane' the first time. Perhaps I should have left it.

Friday, January 30, 2009