Sunday, November 30, 2008

Deep Thought

Would anyone be okay if India specifically declared war on Pakistan based on these terrorist attacks based on our precedent?

Bonus: would anyone be okay if, in holding with our precedent, India decided to skip Pakistan altogether and invade Nepal or Bagladesh for the hell of it?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


.. Citigroup, the monolith that pretty much brought forth the repeal of Glass-Steagall in the first place, appears to be next in like for the can..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Let The Record Show, No Hands Went Up.."

The big three automakers testified before congress today begging for bailout money and got bitchslapped for flying their private jets to Washington..

Peter Schiff Was Right

.. and Arthur Laffer, like most very serious people, was really, really wrong..

This is from two years ago..

(h/t Eldridge)

Deep Thought

We'd be better off had Ned Lamont won the general election and not just the primary.

Don't Drive Angry

Nate at 538 gets John Ziegler on the line, and hilarity ensues..

I agree with one of the commenters, in that I think Nate actually should have been better versed on the poll contents. But the main points were made, and Ziegler totally went nutcase douchebag on him. Nice work!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sayonara, Jackass

Mark Begich's lead over Ted Stevens has passed the recount threshold, AP calls the race.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

I Got Your Riot Right Here II

Seattle, from The Stranger

Yes, its the horrid dancemix version. Still, dancing in the streets. Mr. Obama tore down this wall.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I Got Your Riot Right Here

Quote O' The Day

I confess a certain impatience, on this poignant day, with all the earnest talk about how America achieved something remarkable yesterday by electing our first African-American president, as if the choice has been about race all along. I do not mean to diminish an historic first, like electing a Catholic in 1960; I, too, choked-up when John Lewis spoke. But relief today is not about Americans choosing an obviously black man over a white man, which proves we can come to terms with our past. It is about our choosing an obviously brilliant, reciprocal man over a thick, cynical one--a man who articulates a coherent vision of global commonwealth over someone advancing vague, military patriotism--which proves we can come to terms with our future.

-- Bernard Avishai at TPM

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Free At Last

I got the girls down for bed tonight (part one of three), came downstairs, watched the end of the 9News update on evil Musgrave losing and 'Boulder Liberal' Udall winning, and then they cut back to NBC national with a graphic "Senator Barack Obama Elected 44th President Of The United States"...

I sat there for a second, and the first thought that came into my head was my grandmothers living room, where she has the Martin Luther King memorial plate that every african american over the age of 60 has somewhere.

And I totally lost it. A perfectly thorough five minute cry.

Then, of course, I had to go upstairs again. But I just got completely overwhelmed by it, the eight years lifted, the struggles of my family and everyone who ever got called a name for looking like me, it all fell off, if only for a minute.

I don't know how well he'll do - the task is epic and virtually insurmountable. But I remember four years ago yesterday, November 3rd, 2004, I woke up the morning after Bush's inconceivable reelection, knowing that my second child would come into the world later that day.

I'm hoping her world just got a little better.



Monday, November 03, 2008

A Smidge Of Justice

Georgia, which is now very much in play, may swing to Obama because Republicans delberately and systemically shorted the number of voting machines in many precincts, but Dem voters and volunteers have been willing to stand in the early voting lines while Republican volunteers and voters haven't.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dem Sox

I remember October 27th, 2004. The Red Sox, with 86 years of downright eerie failure behind them, were one out away from winning the World Series. This was a week after being one out away from losing the ALCS to the Yankees. As a peripheral Red Sox follower since I was a kid, I was amazed to be sitting there watching the game with one out to go in game four thinking 'don't get excited'..

They'd been so destined for ultimate failure for so long, by whatever power bestows that kind of thing, that I couldn't even stand up. Couldn't smile. Couldn't move, couldn't begin to accept it until Doug Mientkiewicz caught the last ball and went nuts.

If you're someone who has watched the Republicans run us aground and demean and degrade those who disagreed with them over the last eight years, then you know this feeling well. Tuesday can't come fast enough.

It needs to be over. I'm petrified. All signs are positive, but so what. Bucky FUCKING Dent, Aaron Boone, Al Gore, it's all the same.

Wake me up Wednesday.