Tuesday, October 07, 2008

And I Have To Fear...

Lets face it - as much as I respect the seemingly dwindling core value old school fiscal conservative republican, the pandering to the wingnut right over the years has brought the R's to be synonymous with intolerance. If there's a generic anti-gay or racist or overzealous base of hatred, it's likely from that end of the spectrum.

And what we've started to see in the last few days at Palin appearances and McCain gatherings is the rearing of some of those ugly heads - people on the fringes of the message who have been sucked into the herd because they have a vote to offer are starting to come to the surface as they realize that, barring a major swing in momentum, they are about to be returned to outside as a black man with a tolerant humanitarian agenda may likely become president.

They have about a month left to be heard within the realm of discourse, and then I fear they will attempt to be heard outside the discourse once they are unrepresented.

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